Posts tagged ‘evaluation’

Social Marketing: Smokey Bear’s Makeover

Get your smokey on. This is the tagline for a new campaign sponsored by the Ad Council, USDA Forest Service and the National Association of State Foresters.

It’s also the tagline for the first social marketing campaign highlighted in my campaigns series. I chose this campaign not only because of its relevance and timeliness, but also because of some of the social media promotional components integrated with the campaign.

Meet Smokey Bear: Born in 1944, a time when firefighters were serving in the war effort. Thus, fire prevention became a key wartime issue. In 1944, 22 million acres of land were lost with 9 out of 10 forest fires were accidental. Most of Smokey’s campaigns focused on specific fire-prevention behaviors with the message, “Only you can prevent forest fires.”

Smokey Bear’s Make-Over: Today, Smokey Bear wants others to “Get Your Smokey On,” encouraging others to take on Smokey’s characteristics of encouraging others to practice fire safety behavior and to even intervene if necessary.

Background Research: According to the Ad Council, an average of 6.5 million acres of U.S. land was burned by wildfires every year for the past 10 years. Research also shows that many Americans believe lightning starts most wildfires. However, 88% of wildfires nationwide are started by humans. The principle causes are campfires left unattended, trash burning on windy days, careless discarding of smoking materials and BBQ coals and operating equipment without spark arrestors.

Objective: To encourage the target audience to sign the “Get Your Smokey On” Wildfire Pledge,” where signers pledge to “Be smart whenever I go outdoors.” The pledge also outlines 9 points of safety behaviors and beliefs that the reader agrees to follow.

Audience: The primary audience are adults aged 18-35 who are causal campers, hikers and bikers.

Campaign Components

  • Online
    • Interactive Website
    • An Online Pledge
    • Downloads: Print your own Smokey Bear mask
    • Educational Information
    • A Mash-up Map showing where wildfires are currently burning in the U.S.
    • A live tracker for how many acres have burned in the U.S. so far this year
    • Online Kid’s games
    • Campaign History
    • View the PSAs online
  • Commercials/PSAs

Evaluation: The Smokey Bear campaign has always been evaluated based by the reduction in the number of acres lost annually in fires and based upon the campaigns recognition. Smokey Bear is currently the most recognizable image in the U.S., after Santa Claus.

Creator: Made pro-bono by DraftFCB. In the close future, Smokey will also be featured in PSAs alongside Sleeping Beauty created in partnership with The Disney Company .

Social Marketing Rating: According to the social marketing wiki, this initiative meets the requirements for social marketing. However, on the wiki it is argued that it’s not very good social marketing stating that the online pledge mixes behavior and non-behavior objectives and is too long for readers to actually follow. It’s review goes on.

However, I think it’s a great awareness and promotional campaign. In terms of taking a complicated issue, research and statistics and communicating it, especially online. I think the campaign has two most powerful components:

  1. The mash-ups outlining statistics. This makes the issue real, alive, relevant…and local.
  2. The message that an individual can be empowered as an advocate.

What do you think? What’s your analysis?

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July 13, 2008 at 8:17 pm 4 comments

9 Useful [& free] Web Analytic Time Killers

From searching for web analytic tools and social media that encourage evaluation tools lately, I have been able to generate a fun list of sites that you could easily kill time with….while also having fun and learning technical insights into web analytics. Enjoy, =)

1. SEO Website Grader (Thank you Dr. Stephen Dann for this amazing tool!)

    This site allows you to receive a monthly report providing helpful and useful SEO information on any site of your choice, AND to compare it against competing sites. A great resource for any search engine optimization or interactive marketing plans. Warning: Hours of time will go by before you realize it! šŸ˜‰

    2. Is your website Hott or Not….err, ok or ko?

      Ok, we’re not in high school anymore, but don’t act like you’ve never checked out the infamous Hott or Not website or uploaded your friend’s picture to the site as a joke…

      Well, now you can rate websites based on the design of their homepage with a 1-10 ranking and see the average rating other websites have received. To become a repeat visitor, register your website into the bank and see what other users rate it!

      3. Blogpulse

      Blogpulse is a Nielsen Buzzmetrics tool that allows one to create customized graphs based on keyword trends for chosen keywords. Other tools include featured keyword graphs based on popular keywords, conversation tracker which follows trackbacks and permalinks between blogs and blogger profiles that show the most recent posts, the sources used, numbers of times the bloggers is cited by fellow bloggers and a list of 10 related blogs. This is great for monitoring how the blogosphere views your brand, topic or organization and helps identify blog networks.

      4. Ice Rocket

      Ice Rocket is like a smaller version of Blogpulse and allows you to make keyword trend graphs, but only for the most recent three months, while Blogpulse lets you make a graph for the last 6 months.

      5. Popular Viral Video Aggregate

      Like PopURLS, only for videos, this site shows the most popular videos for YouTube, Metacafe, MySpace, Yahoo, ifilm,, Grounder and Google.

      6. See Google’s top sites based on non-keyword metrics

      This link takes out all the keyword data in Google and shows you what sites Google sees as the best ranked with the most traffic.

      7. Alltop Topic: Social Media

      Alltop is a blog aggregate that provides the most recent 5 posts from the top 40 blogs, sorted by topic. Topics include social media, nonprofit, moms, life, dads, career, celebrities, games, SEO, Macintosh, Windows, Journalism, world news, photography and more!

      8. PopURLs

      PopURLS is an aggregate that provides the most popular links across the web including digg,,Ā flickr, reddit, Truemors, YouTube, Google and Yahoo news, AOL Video, Mahalo, Twitter and more!

      9. Hits Log

      Hits Log is an SEO tool that allows you to discover your site’s Google Pank Rank and search engine rank. Though not as useful as Website grader, it may be easier for some to use.

        Feel free to add to the list.

      March 26, 2008 at 1:15 am 3 comments

      9 Useful [& free] Web Analytic Time Killers

      From searching for web analytic tools and social media that encourage evaluation tools lately, I have been able to generate a fun list of sites that you could easily kill time with….while also having fun and learning technical insights into web analytics. Enjoy, =)

      1. SEO Website Grader (Thank you Dr. Stephen Dann for this amazing tool!)

        This site allows you to receive a monthly report providing helpful and useful SEO information on any site of your choice, AND to compare it against competing sites. A great resource for any search engine optimization or interactive marketing plans. Warning: Hours of time will go by before you realize it! šŸ˜‰

        2. Is your website Hott or Not….err, ok or ko?

          Ok, we’re not in high school anymore, but don’t act like you’ve never checked out the infamous Hott or Not website or uploaded your friend’s picture to the site as a joke…

          Well, now you can rate websites based on the design of their homepage with a 1-10 ranking and see the average rating other websites have received. To become a repeat visitor, register your website into the bank and see what other users rate it!

          3. Blogpulse

          Blogpulse is a Nielsen Buzzmetrics tool that allows one to create customized graphs based on keyword trends for chosen keywords. Other tools include featured keyword graphs based on popular keywords, conversation tracker which follows trackbacks and permalinks between blogs and blogger profiles that show the most recent posts, the sources used, numbers of times the bloggers is cited by fellow bloggers and a list of 10 related blogs. This is great for monitoring how the blogosphere views your brand, topic or organization and helps identify blog networks.

          4. Ice Rocket

          Ice Rocket is like a smaller version of Blogpulse and allows you to make keyword trend graphs, but only for the most recent three months, while Blogpulse lets you make a graph for the last 6 months.

          5. Popular Viral Video Aggregate

          Like PopURLS, only for videos, this site shows the most popular videos for YouTube, Metacafe, MySpace, Yahoo, ifilm,, Grounder and Google.

          6. See Google’s top sites based on non-keyword metrics

          This link takes out all the keyword data in Google and shows you what sites Google sees as the best ranked with the most traffic.

          7. Alltop Topic: Social Media

          Alltop is a blog aggregate that provides the most recent 5 posts from the top 40 blogs, sorted by topic. Topics include social media, nonprofit, moms, life, dads, career, celebrities, games, SEO, Macintosh, Windows, Journalism, world news, photography and more!

          8. PopURLs

          PopURLS is an aggregate that provides the most popular links across the web including digg,,Ā flickr, reddit, Truemors, YouTube, Google and Yahoo news, AOL Video, Mahalo, Twitter and more!

          9. Hits Log

          Hits Log is an SEO tool that allows you to discover your site’s Google Pank Rank and search engine rank. Though not as useful as Website grader, it may be easier for some to use.

            Feel free to add to the list.

          March 26, 2008 at 1:15 am 3 comments

          A Little Known Idea for Evaluation: User Interface Test

          …does the concept User Interface ring a bell? What a User-Interface test?

          As I hinted to in my last post, I think the evaluation step is maybe one of the most important steps a marketing plan can include, yet many lack. Doing evaluation, allows one to:

          • Reflect on the strengths of the campaigns
          • Document the process so there’s no reinventing the wheel for next time
          • Identify areas for improvement
          • Lets you gain and track client feedback
          • Find ‘lessons to learn from’
          • Calculate ROI and compare to previous years/cases

          For best evaluation results, one should meet with a team, get outside feedback, talk to the client(s), key associates or other employees who had a hand in the project. Now, it the fun part. I want to introduce to you a great, but commonly unknown tool to add to your evaluation methods: the User Interface Test.

          User Interface is a concept that describes how users interact with a website. If you’ve ever had any of the following questions, then conducting a User Interface test might be right up your alley:

          1. What should be on the homepage?
          2. Should the main graphic be video, a slideshow, a moving graphic, etc.?
          3. Where should the ‘search’ button go?
          4. Is our website easy to use?
          5. How functional is our website?
          6. What’s the message our users are getting?
          7. What would make our website easier to use?
          8. When someone first comes to our site, what’s the first thing they see?
          9. What would get users to spend more time on our pages?
          10. Does everything on our site communicate our message?
          11. Does our content engage the reader?
          12. What is someone expecting when they come to our site?
          13. Is the site easy to use?
          14. Is our site customize-able?
          15. Does our site have a professional tone? or an appropriate tone?
          16. Does our site speak relevance to those trafficking the site?
          17. Does the design capture attention?
          18. How do our users interact with our site?

          If you find yourselves asking these questions and similar others, then a User Interface test could be right up your alley! To test your User Interface, you can use either quantitative or qualitative approaches. Four qualitative approaches are outlined below.

          1. Time to Task: Tests ability for tester to complete an action to user’s satisfaction in a decent time.
          2. Accuracy: Tests the accuracy of the website and the information found.
          3. Emotional Response: Tests how the testee responds to their overall experience on the site or in conducting their tasks.
          4. Recall/Repetition: Tests ability to recall the process it takes to find desired information. Also looks as how the testee’s ability to recall where he or she is on the website and how he or she arrived there.

          To create quantitative results, one can have testee fill out forms measuring various categories on a scale of 1-5 (customization, professionalism or tone, design, organization, usefulness, relevance, and interactivity.)

          Hope this little research tidbit, and way of evaluating your website comes in hand. =)

          January 17, 2008 at 4:17 am Leave a comment

          Greenwashing: What is it, how do we evaluate it, and what does it mean?

          This post provides some answers to these questions and some points to ponder.

          First, the term greenwashing is taken from the term whitewashing. Whitewashing means to hide, cover or conceal unpleasant facts or details, especially in a political context or to manipulate. According to the Greenwashing Index, Greenwashing is:

          “Itā€™s greenwashing when a company or organization spends more time and money claiming to be ā€œgreenā€ through advertising and marketing than actually implementing business practices that minimize environmental impact. Itā€™s whitewashing, but with a green brush.”

          Knowing this information, enter in the Greenwashing Index, promoted by EnviroMedia Social Marketing and University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communication. The purpose of the Greenwashing Index is “to educate consumers about how to ā€œreadā€ an ad and encourage them to decide for themselves if what theyā€™re seeing is greenwashing.” The index hopes to curb the growth of greenwashing and encourage real environmental responsibility and change.

          The index measures and scores advertising claims based on the following five criteria:

          1. The ad misleads with words.
          2. The ad misleads with visuals and/or graphics.
          3. The ad makes a green claim that is vague or seemingly unprovable.
          4. The ad overstates or exaggerates how green the product/company/service actually is.
          5. The ad leaves out or masks important information, making the green claim sound better than it is.

          To detect greenwashing, Sourcewatch offers the following tips:

          1. Follow the money trail.
          2. Follow the membership trail.
          3. Follow the paper trail.
          4. Look for skeletons in the company’s closet.
          5. Test for access to information.
          6. Test for international consistency.
          7. Check how they handle their critics.
          8. Test for consistency over time.

          As my previous post mentioned, the FTC began a workshop of hearings yesterday a year early about the growing buzz and concerns regarding green marketing. To listen to the FTC hearings about the, click here. The workshops could results in updating the FTC’s green guides, which outlines the FCC’s laws regarding environmental claims for advertiser, marketers and consumers. These guidelines were originally created in 1992. Though the green guides were updated in 1998, they havenā€™t been changed since.

          Now the final piece: What does this mean to us….as social marketers?

          Personally, I think evaluation tools are great, despite the lack of them and the lack of priority in evaluation processes. The evaluation step is one too many organization and marketing directors overlook or skip. I see the Greenwashing Index as another great evaluations tool for us, and I offer up the suggestion that perhaps we should have more such evaluation tools to help keep the private sector accountable and responsible. Doing such, I think, would increase our success in our social marketing endeavors.

          More on evaluation procedures and steps in the next post. =)

          January 11, 2008 at 9:14 pm 2 comments

          Meet Alexandra Rampy, aka SocialButterfly

          I am a social marketing believer, blogger, practitioner, researcher and enthusiast. This site highlights the growing movement of social marketing. Learn more about social marketing and how to be your own socialbutterfly--> here.

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