Posts tagged ‘social good’

The Changeblogger Meme Continues

After allowing some time for reflection, I want to respond to the Changeblogger Meme that the wonderful Qui Diaz began over at the Buzz Bin.

Qui, while highlighting the changeblogger movement, also created mapped out a great way to further spread the word, while also allowing us to learn more about each other and what motivates us in our work. She asks us three important questions. Thus, these questions not only continue the changeblogger mantra, but lets us know more about our community.

  • What is one change – big or small, local or global – you want to see in your lifetime?
  • I love to champion for people to own their education. It’s my number one advice to any student or colleague. Education, being defined as increasing one’s willingness to learn – about life, people, a neighbor, a stranger’s circumstance, a country’s predicament, and about oneself. From this, I feel so much else flows. =)

  • Who is already working this issue that you think others should support?
  • Many people. This being both an Olympic year and an election year, I am seeing it more sources for inspiration than ever. Journalists are working towards this goal. Teachers, communicators, athletes, social tech friends, lawyers, youth, social workers, non-profits, repairmen, grandmothers, and more. I’m just blessed to be working among these people…and learning from them along the way! =)

  • How are you going to use your Web/tech/marcom skills to further this cause? (Or, what are you already doing that work?
  • Through this blog, I hope I am inspiring others to continue learning and growing. I hope that in you, there is a root that’s taken hold that is growing infectiously within you and being spread among others, that when you believe in something, when you work hard, and settle for nothing less than your utmost best, anything truly is possible. It’s just easier when we have a community to support us, and healthy influencers amongst us. Thus, thank you.


    Before you think I am being a cop-out from the meme. This is honestly how I feel. And, I feel the beginning for positive change around oneself, begins within oneself.

    Beyond this, I do have a personal interest in finding a cure for multiple sclerosis. Much of my volunteer efforts have gone towards this issue, as well as other health-related issues. I’m also a strong believer in mentors and role-modeling programs, individual empowerment as a route against alcohol and drug abuse. As a female and past gymnast, I am well aware issues like anorexia due to many beloved friends battles. The issue that has been increasinly on my mind most recently is access to healthy drinking water.

    However, this is why I love social marketing! It goes beyond awareness, beyond fundraising, and looks to develop long-term programs and initiatives to address these challenges. I can’t wait for the future of this field. But that’s a whole ‘nother rant. For now, join the journey. It’s going to be rad. Check it, =)

    Tagging: Kivi Leroux Miller, Mike Kujawski, Tera Wozniak, Thursday Bram, Leyla Farah, Jeff Brooks, Katya, Rosetta, Rebecca Leaman

    photo cred: flickr, carfs

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    August 29, 2008 at 4:40 am 1 comment

    The Changeblogger Story

    This is one, in a group of posts by fellow changebloggers, uniting to show that social media can do, and is achieving social good.

    Origins of the Changeblogger

    In late May, Britt Bravo at Have Fun * Do Good recruited her readers to create a list of Changebloggers – members of the blogging community who:

    “…use their blog, podcast or vlog to raise awareness, build community, and/or facilitate readers, listeners, and viewers taking action to make the world better.”

    On her blog, Britt developed a working list of 40+ Changebloggers, events and other online lists.

    Changebloggers Respond

    Since then, a Changeblogger facebook group was created. Then, I developed the Changeblogger Wiki that is being used to gather blogs and their author’s names, Twitter contact names, locations, a shared list of Changeblogger meetups and events while also being a live idea-swapping forum.

    How Two Conversations Connected

    Then, on a Friday afternoon I had two phone conversations with two truly remarkable people. The first was with Joe Soloman. Joe is at SocialActions, and he helped them develop the Ad-words widget that was launched last week. Joe also created the Twitter box @nptechblogs, which brings together blog posts and news updates from a variety nptech blogs. He also created and maintains the socialmedia4change wiki.

    Bascally, Joe is busy. However, he is not just busy – he is effective. Joe, using his creativity and no-limits thinking, contacted me and together we are working on developing a Twitter box for changebloggers.

    The next conversation was with Alex Steed. Talking with Steed on a Friday afternoon, both of us exhausted from a long week and feeling a bit overwhelmed could not have been better timing. Alex’s project is exactly what the changeblogger movement needs. And, he needs us.

    Alex is planning on traveling to 30+ cities to meet with socially-forward millennials to learn what they are doing, how they are doing int, and more importantly, why they are doing it.

    This is our call: If you are a changeblogger or a changemaker, know one, or even if you have an extra couch, contact Alex to connect with him on his tour while he couchsurfs and covers the waves of change.

    Rallying the Troops

    The changeblogger troops have already put out the roll call, and we’re inviting any and all to join the movement. Here’s a list of how:

    1. Take part in the Changeblogging Meme, that was started by Qui Diaz. Anyone can be a changeblogger, or changemaker, it’s a matter of connecting one’s talents with a desire to do good.
    2. Chip In, following the example set by Beth Kanter, to help fund Alex’s trip around the country, as he will spread the changeblogger message both online – and off! (Or, put the widget in your blog. Here’s the code:

      <embed src=”” flashVars=”” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” allowScriptAccess=”always” wmode=”transparent” width=”250″ height=”250″></embed>

    3. If you are in the area, show your support at the 1st Changebloggers/Changemakers Meetup on Oct. 15th as we welcome Alex Steed into the capital of change – Washington DC.
    4. Join the Changeblogger Facebook Group
    5. Add your blog or Twitter Name to the Changeblogger Wiki
    6. Connect on the Changeblogger NING group started by Britt Bravo
    7. Tweet it up using the Changeblogger hashtag: #changeblogger and/or follow the Twitter account @changeblogs to receive updates from top changebloggers!

    Change is Coming to Town, and It Could be Yours

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    August 27, 2008 at 7:57 pm 5 comments

    The Bookshelf: 15 Essential Social Marketing Feeds

    Going off of Ogilvy PR’s “Essential 15 Pack” of RSS feeds to follow, I’ve developed the “Essential 15 Feeds for Social Marketers.” To follow the feed, just click on the name and the link. Enjoy!


    1. Spare Change, authored by social marketing expert Nedra Weinreich (Link corrected*)
    2. On Social Marketing and Social Change, authored by social marketing thought leader Craig Lefebrve
    3. Public Sector Marketing 2.0, authored by Canada’s up and coming social marketing and social media marketing professional Mike Kujawski
    4. Osocio, the number one spot for all things social advertising and social change relataed
    5. Beth’s Blog, authored by nonprofit tech guru Beth Kanter
    6. Health Marketing Musings, authored by CDC’s National Center for Health Marketing Director Jay Bernhardt
    7. Have Fun * Do Good authored by Britt Bravo, informing you on all nonprofit related news items
    8. Ogilvy’s 360 Digital Influence Blog covers social marketing topics occasionally.
    9. Social Marketing Blog, a newly discovered blog just started this month by a man named Jack. So far, there is only one post, but if the rest of his posts are anything like his first, then the social marketing field is in good shape. Welcome Jack!
    10. Getting Attention blog, authored by Nancy E. Schwartz offers insights and tips on nonprofits communications and programs.
    11. Subject to Change, authored by Vanessa Mason, a young and up-and-coming social marketer currently doing AIDS relief work in Mozambique.
    12. Socialbutterfly, authored by yours truly, and highlights the movement of social marketing as well as related social media stories.
    13. What Do You Stand For? authored by Cone Communications Inc. Though this blog is linked to a cause marketing firm, the blog covers a range of social marketing related topics, offering fresh insights and useful resources.
    14. Getting to the Point, authored by Katya Andresen, talks about all-things nonprofit marketing and what she deems in her book – ‘Robin Hood Marketing.’
    15. Pulse and Signal, authored by Andre Blackman, who writes about the intersection between health and technology. is another one stop shop for all you need to know regarding the health 2.0 developments.
    16. YOU. That’s right. Your blog, whether current or in the works, can become the essential blog. In the arena of social marketing, we NEED more voices to galvanize the field further. If anyone would like to start a social marketing blog, please feel free to contact me with any questions, brainstorming or for support at The more of us the better. =)

    Note: There are many, many more helpful blogs out there that I currently subscribe to, and I wish I could have named them all. Many of the 15 essential also cross boundaries with others fields beyond social marketing, mainly because, there aren’t that many social marketing based voices within the blogosphere.

    For more ideas about which blogs to follow, I suggest you check out my links page, the ChangeBloggers wiki, the NonProfit Blog Exchange and the Kivi Leroux Miller’s Carnival for Non-Profit Consultants.

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    July 24, 2008 at 4:49 am 10 comments

    Social Marketing: Smokey Bear’s Makeover

    Get your smokey on. This is the tagline for a new campaign sponsored by the Ad Council, USDA Forest Service and the National Association of State Foresters.

    It’s also the tagline for the first social marketing campaign highlighted in my campaigns series. I chose this campaign not only because of its relevance and timeliness, but also because of some of the social media promotional components integrated with the campaign.

    Meet Smokey Bear: Born in 1944, a time when firefighters were serving in the war effort. Thus, fire prevention became a key wartime issue. In 1944, 22 million acres of land were lost with 9 out of 10 forest fires were accidental. Most of Smokey’s campaigns focused on specific fire-prevention behaviors with the message, “Only you can prevent forest fires.”

    Smokey Bear’s Make-Over: Today, Smokey Bear wants others to “Get Your Smokey On,” encouraging others to take on Smokey’s characteristics of encouraging others to practice fire safety behavior and to even intervene if necessary.

    Background Research: According to the Ad Council, an average of 6.5 million acres of U.S. land was burned by wildfires every year for the past 10 years. Research also shows that many Americans believe lightning starts most wildfires. However, 88% of wildfires nationwide are started by humans. The principle causes are campfires left unattended, trash burning on windy days, careless discarding of smoking materials and BBQ coals and operating equipment without spark arrestors.

    Objective: To encourage the target audience to sign the “Get Your Smokey On” Wildfire Pledge,” where signers pledge to “Be smart whenever I go outdoors.” The pledge also outlines 9 points of safety behaviors and beliefs that the reader agrees to follow.

    Audience: The primary audience are adults aged 18-35 who are causal campers, hikers and bikers.

    Campaign Components

    • Online
      • Interactive Website
      • An Online Pledge
      • Downloads: Print your own Smokey Bear mask
      • Educational Information
      • A Mash-up Map showing where wildfires are currently burning in the U.S.
      • A live tracker for how many acres have burned in the U.S. so far this year
      • Online Kid’s games
      • Campaign History
      • View the PSAs online
    • Commercials/PSAs

    Evaluation: The Smokey Bear campaign has always been evaluated based by the reduction in the number of acres lost annually in fires and based upon the campaigns recognition. Smokey Bear is currently the most recognizable image in the U.S., after Santa Claus.

    Creator: Made pro-bono by DraftFCB. In the close future, Smokey will also be featured in PSAs alongside Sleeping Beauty created in partnership with The Disney Company .

    Social Marketing Rating: According to the social marketing wiki, this initiative meets the requirements for social marketing. However, on the wiki it is argued that it’s not very good social marketing stating that the online pledge mixes behavior and non-behavior objectives and is too long for readers to actually follow. It’s review goes on.

    However, I think it’s a great awareness and promotional campaign. In terms of taking a complicated issue, research and statistics and communicating it, especially online. I think the campaign has two most powerful components:

    1. The mash-ups outlining statistics. This makes the issue real, alive, relevant…and local.
    2. The message that an individual can be empowered as an advocate.

    What do you think? What’s your analysis?

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    July 13, 2008 at 8:17 pm 4 comments

    Britt Bravo and SocialButterfly Unite Changeblogger Community

    In late May, Britt Bravo at Have Fun * Do Good recruited her readers to create a list of Changebloggers – members of the blogging community who:

    “…use their blog, podcast or vlog to raise awareness, build community, and/or facilitate readers, listeners, and viewers taking action to make the world better.”

    On her blog, Britt developed a working list of 40+ Changebloggers, events and other online lists. Then a facebook group was created. Now, we are organizing our list further. I have created a Changeblogger Wiki that is being used to gather blogs and their author’s names, Twitter contact names, locations, create a shared list of Changeblogger meetups and events while also being a live idea-swapping forum.

    The first idea pitched is develop a changeblogger logo. Thus, we are launching a Changeblogger logo contest! Check out the wiki for more details.

    Currently, Britt is planning a Changeblogger meetup to correspond with the BlogHer conference in San Fransisco. At that conference, Britt is facilitating the Birds of a Feather session for Green, Social Change & NPO/NGO bloggers, Friday, July 18th from 10:30-11:45 AM. And, I plan to add a Changeblogger meetup to correspond with BlogHer’s Reach Out Tour in Washington D.C later this year in October.

    So join the wiki and stay tuned for more ways to take online communications –> offline.

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    July 9, 2008 at 4:41 am 2 comments

    How One Non-Profit Re-defines the Art of Story-Telling

    Eglantyne Jebb

    Eglantyne Jebb

    Have you ever heard of Eglantyne Jebb?

    Yea, me either. Until my friend Marc over at Osocio emailed me about a new stunning campaign: Lessons in Leadership. Made by the non-profit organization Save the Children for our Australian friends, the campaign highlights the story of Eglantyne Jebb, her mission and her legacy citing:

    “A women born over a century ago, that you’ve probably never heard of, and whose achievements you will never forget.”

    In brief, Eglantyne Jebb wrote the book Cambridge, a Study in Social Questions in 1906 based on her research and experiences. The book was well before its times and reflects many modern social marketing themes. Jebb went on to found the International Save the Children Union in 1919 and became a leading proponent for children’s rights.

    A major cornerstone of Jebb’s work was her insistence of a planned, research-based approach to social welfare, war relief efforts and primarily children’s rights. She drafted the main declarations necessary for the international community to put priority on children’s rights. Later, these declarations and the Children’s Charter Jebb drafted became known as the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and was adopted years later by the League of Nations.

    This interactive story takes you on a journey through 12 lessons in leadership, while also sharing with you the story of Eglantyne and how one individual can make a difference. I could describe more of the story, but the video does a much better job. Enjoy!

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    July 7, 2008 at 11:25 pm 1 comment

    Social Media Highlight: Digg…Can you add an 8th category termed ‘social good?’

    Ever see an image similar to the one on the left and get excited when you recognize one of the many images? You’re feeling really good if you can recognize two of them. Three of them and you’re on top of the world.

    There are numerous social media sites and applications. This is why I am going to start another series…I like series-i. (plural for series?) =) In addition to telling you about the site/place/platform/application…I’m going to sign-up, use the app for a couple of weeks and offer a reflection on my thoughts and experience.

    Today, let’s learn some more about Digg.

    Name: Digg

    About: In 2004, Kevin Rose started Digg, a social media site where users can find and share content from anywhere on the web from news articles, blog posts, podcasts, images and videos. All the content is submitted and voted upon by users. The higher the number of ‘diggs’ the more popular and valued the content is valued by digg’s users. Today, Digg has over 500,000 users and 8.5 unique visitors.

    Use: If content receives enough ‘diggs,’ then it is moved to Digg’s front page. Digg also enables one to comment and give shouts about content. There are currently 7 categories a user can submit content to: technology, science, world & business, sports, videos, entertainment, and gaming. Digg also has a Digg Lab, similar to the Google Labs concept, in that it offers new tools and a deeper view of Digg.

    Demographics: This article offers a nice visual representation of Digg’s dems. Some say Digg is in trouble and others say Digg is the next big company to get bought up. Some say it’s demographics are too narrow. Others say that its large male-base of followers will perpetuate Digg’s growth. I’m just here telling you what Digg is.

    My Vote: I give Digg 4 out of 5 wings.


    • Good: I like using digg the more I, well, use it…which is usually typical when I begin using any type of social media. Unlike some social bookmarking sites, Digg lets me get feedback and hear more from peers about the type of content I submit to it. And, I get to see/read what peers find interesting which helps me find new and interesting content.
    • Bad: Call me a novice, but it’s a little too complicated. With all the social networks out there, I feel like it’s trying to be too much and isn’t focusing on what it’s really good at – users submitting and rating content. Also, a big kicker, is that I asked for my age to be private on Digg, and despite me checking the box for my age not to be shown, it continues to be shown. Hmm. This is a big turn-off for me.

    Social Marketing and Digg:

    • Numerous social marketing and nonprofit stories are submitted to Digg everyday.
    1. One way to further the movement, submit more of these types of stories.
    2. Digg more of these types of stories.
    3. Contact/Email digg and ask them to add a nonprofit, charity, philanthropy, community or social good category.

    Join me on Digg @ Socialbttrfly

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    June 13, 2008 at 2:20 am 4 comments

    Meet Alexandra Rampy, aka SocialButterfly

    I am a social marketing believer, blogger, practitioner, researcher and enthusiast. This site highlights the growing movement of social marketing. Learn more about social marketing and how to be your own socialbutterfly--> here.

    View Alexandra Rampy's profile on LinkedIn

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