Archive for July, 2008

Britt Bravo and SocialButterfly Unite Changeblogger Community

In late May, Britt Bravo at Have Fun * Do Good recruited her readers to create a list of Changebloggers – members of the blogging community who:

“…use their blog, podcast or vlog to raise awareness, build community, and/or facilitate readers, listeners, and viewers taking action to make the world better.”

On her blog, Britt developed a working list of 40+ Changebloggers, events and other online lists. Then a facebook group was created. Now, we are organizing our list further. I have created a Changeblogger Wiki that is being used to gather blogs and their author’s names, Twitter contact names, locations, create a shared list of Changeblogger meetups and events while also being a live idea-swapping forum.

The first idea pitched is develop a changeblogger logo. Thus, we are launching a Changeblogger logo contest! Check out the wiki for more details.

Currently, Britt is planning a Changeblogger meetup to correspond with the BlogHer conference in San Fransisco. At that conference, Britt is facilitating the Birds of a Feather session for Green, Social Change & NPO/NGO bloggers, Friday, July 18th from 10:30-11:45 AM. And, I plan to add a Changeblogger meetup to correspond with BlogHer’s Reach Out Tour in Washington D.C later this year in October.

So join the wiki and stay tuned for more ways to take online communications –> offline.

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July 9, 2008 at 4:41 am 2 comments

How One Non-Profit Re-defines the Art of Story-Telling

Eglantyne Jebb

Eglantyne Jebb

Have you ever heard of Eglantyne Jebb?

Yea, me either. Until my friend Marc over at Osocio emailed me about a new stunning campaign: Lessons in Leadership. Made by the non-profit organization Save the Children for our Australian friends, the campaign highlights the story of Eglantyne Jebb, her mission and her legacy citing:

“A women born over a century ago, that you’ve probably never heard of, and whose achievements you will never forget.”

In brief, Eglantyne Jebb wrote the book Cambridge, a Study in Social Questions in 1906 based on her research and experiences. The book was well before its times and reflects many modern social marketing themes. Jebb went on to found the International Save the Children Union in 1919 and became a leading proponent for children’s rights.

A major cornerstone of Jebb’s work was her insistence of a planned, research-based approach to social welfare, war relief efforts and primarily children’s rights. She drafted the main declarations necessary for the international community to put priority on children’s rights. Later, these declarations and the Children’s Charter Jebb drafted became known as the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and was adopted years later by the League of Nations.

This interactive story takes you on a journey through 12 lessons in leadership, while also sharing with you the story of Eglantyne and how one individual can make a difference. I could describe more of the story, but the video does a much better job. Enjoy!

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July 7, 2008 at 11:25 pm 1 comment

My 4th of July Surprise

I apologize for being very MIA the past few days…it’s not like me. But, I had one of those once-in-a-lifetime moments happen over the holiday weekend:


Yes, this bog is about social marketing. Yes, it’s also about social media. But, for this small 300-word post, I’m going to share a BIG slice of my life with you. My favorite holiday is the 4th of July, and I just moved to Washington D.C. in January. My parents are my best friends and my boyfriend (now fiance) is the love of my life.

Jack Vettriano

Thus, the rents planned a 4th of July trip to D.C. for their first-ever visit to where I now call home. Little did I know that my now-fiance was plotting the whole time to pop the big question. A dinner cruise, a fancy red dress, the song ‘Lady in Red,’ (played by Dennis the piano player who learned the song just for this occassion), dancing and fireworks later….I was engaged. and it was all a surprise.

Life. Is. Great. =)

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July 7, 2008 at 12:42 am 12 comments

An Afternoon Conversation Calls Me Back

I’m starting another series. Apparently, I like series. But I think readers do to, because it helps you know what kind of content to predict. Or, so Seth Godin tells us.

Today, I was fortunate enough to connect with one of SocialButterfly’s consistent readers at the Ad Council. I want to thank him through this blog as the conversation inspired me to start this new series: Social Marketing Classic Campaigns.


A month now into my ‘official’ new full-time role at work, I have slightly gotten a bit side-tracked in my enthusiasm for social media, that the true ‘social marketing’ aspect of my blog has been lacking. Thus, to complement the Social Media Highlight series I have, I’m starting this new one.

This afternoon’s conversation reminded me of what I think would be a DREAM job –> having the ability to brand social marketing, to further the field, to expand its practices and applications, to share its tool belt with those across industries and across nations, and to inspire more SocialButterflies…so to speak. =) But this can’t be accomplished alone, and we all play our part.

Thus, stay tuned as every other week I am going to showcase a classic social marketing campaign, and highlight movements in the field. Through this, I hope to elaborate on social marketing’s theory using real-world examples. As, I also realized this afternoon, that I’ve been focusing a lot on the promotional efforts of social marketing, which is a trend of the field and not just myself. Thus, I hope to highlight some really great campaigns.

It might be a small step towards the dream, but small steps can end up coving a large distance! If you have some ideas on some you’d like to see featured, feel free to post a note. Until then, social marketers unite!

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July 1, 2008 at 2:39 am 3 comments

Newer Posts

Meet Alexandra Rampy, aka SocialButterfly

I am a social marketing believer, blogger, practitioner, researcher and enthusiast. This site highlights the growing movement of social marketing. Learn more about social marketing and how to be your own socialbutterfly--> here.

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